Answering the questions you didn't know you had about your labor and birth.
What is BioMechanical Birth℠?

BioMechanical Birth Is Functional. It's not fancy. It's not complicated. It is a one day, 5 hour class. You will learn from an expert Certified Nurse Midwife with 20 years of experience in high-risk obstetrics and home-birth. This is a unique class that has evolved over 20 years as all of the remarkable methods and techniques she has used with clients were gathered and condensed into a 5 hour class. This class recognizes that parents are intelligent, adult learners that are short on time. Sitting in a classroom, listening to regurgitated information and power points is boring. This class exploits the fact that parents are eager and excited to be active participants in this life changing process and captivates students by creating and setting a tone of communal/group learning. You will learn positions, massage techniques and functional movement that facilitates progress through labor. You will learn to recognize the common characteristics exhibited during each stage of labor that will help you to know your progress and answer common questions from parents: How do I know when to go to the hospital? When do I call the midwife? How do I know if my water broke? What are good things to eat during labor? What if my labor stalls? Is there an alternative to pitocin? What is the best way to support her during labor? It is information and an experience you will not get from any other birth class. We laugh, share stories, ask important questions and learn how to be informed, confident, empowered consumers. Your classroom will be a staged triage and labor and delivery room. You will role play in the labor and birth process that will give you an extraordinary hands on experience that you can commit to memory as we move through the story of a woman and her partner preparing for the arrival of their baby. You will see and touch medical equipment and learn about diagnostics that may be offered to you and your baby during pregnancy and throughout your labor and postpartum period. You will learn the risks and benefits of each of these interventions. You will learn medical terminology to improve communication with your providers and your role in your care. You will learn important anatomy and physiology, how and why it transforms during pregnancy and how to make these changes work the most efficiently and favorably for you and your baby. This information is applicable to any birth plan! You will get an extensive birth plan template. You will be able to get on our email list for food and supplement recommendations. You will get a discounted rate for consult services. You will get to ask questions and access the expertise of a midwife that has seen just about everything in and out of the hospital. Your journey through a process that might currently have you feeling confused and fearful will suddenly feel simpler and more manageable. You will become a member of the elite group of educated and empowered BioMechanical Birth Parents equipped with a secret weapon only found by attending this class ;0) will get snacks!!!! :0) Come learn with us!!!! We look forward to seeing you in class!

Founder and CEO
Sacramento Valley Midwifery Care
Sacramento Valley Midwifery Care
Sacramento Valley Midwifery Care
Register for Upcoming Classes
Aug 29th
Sept. 5th
Drop us a Line
new_moon_mama: During the majority of my pregnancy I had to rely on intuition alone, and though it is a powerful tool, it has been taxing as a new mother when dealing with very little support in the current traditional medical system and ideologies surrounding childbirth. I constantly felt patronized and probed like a lab rat with no autonomy over my body, baby or decision making when going into the hospital to see my doctor (she’s a very sweet woman and STILL I felt this way). Toward the end of my pregnancy I started feeling like giving up on having my opinion heard or understanding all of my choices because it became so difficult and exhausting. But then I had the absolute pleasure of meeting your amazing team at this class and it was a radically different experience than what I had been dealing with. Your class honestly helped restore my confidence to see this delivery through the way I desire, the way that makes me feel excited to bring new life into the world 🙏😆 Your mission to educate women and partners on EVERYTHING pregnancy, labor and delivery related is so beautiful and revolutionary. Educating and supporting women in gaining sovereignty over decision making when it comes to their bodies is the exact kind of change the world needs to see right now. I’m SO thankful to have met you, your class was more detailed and enlightening than I could have imagined and now I feel 100% confident in demanding that I be in control of my birth, my body and my baby. Thank you again 💓
Thanks for hosting and teaching us! You think after you’ve had a couple of babies you know all there is to know but then again you don’t know what you don’t know, right? You guys did such a great job of simplifying it all and teaching each stage and transition. You made it really fun and did a great job of keeping us engaged and interested. I learned so much. I’m behind your mission 100%! You guys rock! Better Together, Angela Sisneroz Certified Health Coach & Wellness Advo
Great class! Very educational. I think all soon to be moms and dads, new or not should@go through this class!! Renee and Ingalls did such a great job teaching the biomechanics of Birth at every stage and transition. They kept it interesting and fun. I’m almost 50, have had two kids and 15 grandkids and I learned so much!! Im so excited to watch the CNMHospital grow and thrive!!💜 -Angela
sacred_samurai: I don’t know if you can tell by the back of my head, but this was the most thought provoking and motivating class I have ever taken. From autonomy over our own bodies to informed consent @cnmhospital is redefining the term “revolutionary”. Thank you again for such a wonderful day and I can’t wait to contribute further in any way possible 🙏🧘‍♂️
Reducing fear by teaching a woman about her body. Using unfamiliar medical terminology so she becomes accustomed to what she might encounter in hospital. Explaining each and every intervention, the risks and benefits without bias so she can determine what risks she is willing to take on. Putting her into the role of midwife and her support in the role of nurse, everyone checking a cervix..........getting everyone into the position of a laboring mother so they can feel it in their heart and soul

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